January 10, 2009


wat's this??...
wait2...wait a minute....nie bkan nasik lor...nie GULA!=)
a plate of sugar wif oceans of ants....cemut2...
[tapi lam dis pic,diorg2 sme x nmpak r...haha]...
people said,kulit kayu manis blei prevent them....
so,btol ke?...
at first,me ltak 2,3 batang jer that things....igtkan diorang2 nie lari la.....
la....dgil upanya!!
then,me added n added n added n added...
x lari lagi!uish....so btol ke petua neh?
1 myth is proven wrong;p..!
me pown BACK TO BASIC...huhu!
manual jer....buang ngan tgn,it's easier..=)
but,actually...it's true anyway..(^^)...
maybe when we ltak them lam its container...wif kulit kayu manis inside....[tmankan gula]..
risk cemut2 tue masuk will be less...;p
[selamat m'cuba]..haha!

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