Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

June 19, 2011

happy fathers day

baking mode is on.

my brother is watching smallville n i got a sort of highschool feeling because those serial tv programme were on aired when i was in lower secondary,i think~
angah,if u're reading this,the poster is on progress but for the banner.hurm.hurm.hurm...

today's NST ,"Twister Hits Johor" and in this verge of the world's end,what would u say if Malaysia gonna have worse than that-tornadoes? (nauzubillah).often ppl never imagine that they're fated to be the victims of those tremendously terrible calamities,ranges from the typhoon to the most fitnah terbesar dunia- dajjal al said,i'm still with "kedatangan imam mahdi,dajjal & singkatnya usia umat Islam" book,bought & given by my sister.Bear with the thinking of the shortening of the age,how we're closer to face the dajjal,who is now,having his hard effort to get out from his place,i'm scared i tell u!
even when those ppl( find the story readers or i gonna post it someday-no promises:P ) in Rasullallah's time,met the dajjal-he said,"sesungguhnya masa untuk aku keluar sudah dekat"
uishh.tue masa Nabi tue,dekat dah.masa ni?

Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhary dari Abdullah bin Umar RA bahwa beliau mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Sesungguhnya masa menetapmu dibandingkan dengan umat-umat sebelum kamu adalah seperti waktu antara shalat Asar sampai terbenamnya matahari.

click for more

dari zaman Rasullallah lahir (asar),let's say the asar time is 4.30 pm,do the simple mathematical calculation or even rational thinking,what's the time of ours gonna be now? 6.45 pm?and berapa minit lagi tinggal for the sunset to come? it's like we dont realized it,always forget it,but the actuality is we already shouldnt get off this FACT from our daily life anymore.our head and mind are so packed with,perhaps more than half percent from the whole,of the worldly-sake.well,i'm on my way of putting extra caution on myself-too.
GET PREPARED.we're on our way towards HIM.

last word,how i wish everybody can read THIS :)
have a click.
for what we say,write,we gotta see all of them in the Our Book,somedays,
n all of them are our saham akhirat:)

December 26, 2010

perfect four

click for the MEGA size~

watching lehan playing comp's game.

these are from my hp:)

the only picture with pah along.
pah,till meet again yup?

che wani,urs are in ghedin's camera.
not now.ghedin's in fever.pity him.
may he recover soon .

holiday's mode should and will be shut down,
college+university's mode restart.

it's where i'll concentrate fully.
jauhi maksiat.akademik amanah Allah.
sbb Allah hanya jadikan manusia 1 hati.
& dalam hati itu nurr.
jgn padamkan nurr itu dgn maksiat.
& hati yg kotor ssah masuk ilmu.
keep on doa sbb Allah olwes dgr.
remember,u aim ur brother.
ur accountability now is to study.
thus,study :)

semoga dipermudahkan semua.

December 20, 2010

pleasures haunted

19 december 2010's nite
2 are enuff kowt~
edited+real pictures by mr photographer ghedin coming soon.
n i noe it wont be in this nearest tyme:D

hkalam Imam Malik R.A : “Wahai Muhammad (Imam Syafie), bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah, jauhkanlah maksiat. Sesungguhnya, Allah telah memasukkan ke dalam sanubarimu satu nur dan janganlah kamu padamkan nur tersebut dengan maksiat.

loads of works now.
dishes n all~

well,alhamdullilah they're all went fine last nite.
they seemed nervous.
they looked awkward.they showed shyness.
videos taken on the moment of akad + forehead kissed:D
they're sweet.
May Allah bless tayu+ abe apih:)

i noe tati missed abe mighul,who didnt hommie now.
Allah noe best tati dehh:)
they're all teased me,to send envy filled the atmosphere~
being the last gurl,they cant wait.they. :D
years forward.
well, time do tick.
it never fails rules the world.
by creeping or by running,time do flies~
jihad study.jihad ilmu.jihad perjuangan:P,they own me now;)

we're all tired.
lethargy surrounds.
but there're 2 big days to come.
energy's collected:) more + more.
Allah never stop painting happiness,
caresses us.

"untungnya orang mukmin semakin banyak masalah,semakin mustajab DOAnya,
bukan perjuangan tanpa kesulitan,tapi dalam kesulitan ada ketenangan,memugar kekuatan, yakinlah kita tidak sendirian,innallaha ma'ana"

my mum once said:
"xmasuk padang,dah takut nak lari,
belum berjuang,dah takut nak berjuang"

she didnt noe it meant much.
"jgn takut terkorban tika berjuang,
kerana kita berjuang mmg untuk berkorban~"

July 25, 2010

these are for him.

well,i love this.
"there's no such thing as a part time muslim"

n wall E n eva's pictures below,i dedicated to my youngest lehan.
this is his favourite 3d cartoon.

lehan2,comel kan?
u'll neva get the pictures of their daughter@son ;p
that's why i show u.

i'm doing my assignment of BEL or bi.
mine about pros n conts on
that's why i found wall e n eva n them.
pretty shocked when my lecturer just crossed and crossed on my earlier preferable titleS,
it wasnt only me.that's of course.
thus,i got this.besides THE ARRIVALS.
however,you tube kna block la kat,xleh upload video sgtla untuk ni for me yg guna wireless.
sedangkan the arrivals MAINLY videos.
still in consideration.but,
robots pn robotsla=).that's pretty okay=)

July 10, 2010

to my family's bday gurl.

happy birthday.
sweet 26th.
t8 care of my niece/nephew-to-be elok2.
jgn moody2 when my bro in law x next to;p
thanks 4 all ur advices+all

July 6, 2010


alhamdullilah.gettin better.thanks to my roomate,aida+dini[housemate] for teman2 g klinik tadi.klinik uitm puncak alam lawa=) xabeh2 lawa:D.
today's lecture?erm~~i just can say=okela.unexplainable.mcm lecture2 org2 laen jgak.haha.alhamdullilah lecturer2 baek2.
1 thing 4 sure.can't wait to see kak ijan.btw,she's on differ course.[bila nak jumpa kak ijan comel2 ni]=)
tadi jumpa kak aji je pun.excited enuf^^
attended a night talk"biar jadi orang" by persatuan rakan masjid*PRM with housemates just now at dewan kolej angsana.
wah.i'm so happy.i repeat,housemates=)
hopin for the other next time.
got so jealous tiba2 bila boys have their bidadari at the hereafter world,but what about the gurls?wildan??'s all about biological things of the human beings,boys and gurls.
how's and what they're concerned+attracted.
tapi..tapi..tapi...xtaw tibe2 je jeles.=(. siyes.
ade sape2 bole pujuk x?
i meant,from islamic view~more facts.banyak2 ganjaran for the gurls juga.;p
**zaujah ustaz tue+baby dia comel sgt=)))

callin 4 my parents this evening.
abah said"study ok x?6t ni pakai yg *** taw"
*let the stars be left unknown.
wah.i'm hopin so,for that.but no one can go against Allah's destiny,rite?
we're just praying that our destiny+faith are the best,
and for myself,the best in here.


::happy bday zaid.sweet 19th::

passionate enough for medical lab.
kak bibi said=dont be afraid,fighting!!=))
Ya Allah.bantulah hambaMu ini.

April 21, 2010

to do lisT

books to read~

quran saintifik-dr.danial zainal abidin

denyut kasih medik-dr.farhan hadi

bila mulut terkunci,kaki,tgn berbicara

kerana cinta harus memilih ~

seindah mawar berduri-ustazah fatimah syarha[once again=)]

movies to watch~

2012 ;p

the confession of shopaholic


my mighty princess

tsunami at haeundae

most of the movies,my brother asked me to ;p

wondering~best sgt ke? ;p


**jgn gaduh2 tiap2 masHe ;p


11.30 pm~



February 13, 2010

when ppah lent me her laptop.

  • at ipba again.thanks ppah amek sy dkat kolej 12;)
  • havim such a great tyme pampering maself with nur kasih epsode 18th+19th.
  • 19th episode is da best=)
  • happy holiday shume,but i'm da 1 dat wud be here.
  • tati gonna marry next month.
  • whoever yg balik on 14th march,sila datang yup!UNIC is comin too=)
  •,is da final.6 weeks to go!
  • golden nite?huh.i'm not too excited on that.
  • i'm goin to wear my f3's dinner baju krg only,since i've nver wear it here.
  • i find that i can't resist pah's laptop when i'm here.;p
  • i noe nab wont read mine,but slamat terbang,ya!
  • it's true,it wont be da same again.even frens,everitim is changim.
  • to all,Allah sentiasa rindukan hambanya~
  • rasa mcam nak tukar blog je.nak tuka background xleh.
  • we're headim to mid now.atm machine wasn't workim;(
  • parents+family.i do love u=)
  • last,thanks ppah.4 everitim.
..ala..sygnya nk ttup nur kasih ni..
lehan,jgn jeles;P

November 5, 2009

ubiquitous of

raining cat n dog.
hope not so heavy enuf.
4 my safe journey back to college.
nak study ape lagi ni?
lagi study,lagi takut+rasa xprepare lak.

tayu's engagement day tomorrow.
ghelie+leh+me+ghejak won't available.

hope we are on THEIR wedding.

bykkan istighfar.
dkat ng Allah
rezeki melimpah ruah.
bkak pintu kesempitan

November 3, 2009

ghejak grows older.

happy bday=)
dearie ghejak.
my abang terbongsu,
sweet 22th.
ghejak da tua,ye!
xsaba nak kawen ke?
i bet ur turn after ghedin ;p
nih,Ya krim cake.
makan ye:)
.jgn stresh3.

October 31, 2009

"anybody's here?"...*i'm back*

so,here i am.
tman+kacau daun my sister n her fiance' to be shoppin2 for their day.
the engagement rings,of course=)
feel lucky larh to ikot skali..haha!
xkan berdua,slaen ade yg ke3...let's the 3rd be me.
n guess wat?
ate together in 1 room wif malik noor at tempat makan td.
4got eyh nma.hee~
final,at last,abesh jgak..
1 sem finished!che atomen kta "cpat'y"....yeah3...n i hope it's cud be shorter.
i wishED.
but now,i wish,it cud be longer...i haven't any idea how the time in the asasi gone too fast.TOO FAST.i'd realised it after the fnal.too late.
about the exam?
wont talked bout this here.
let's the faith decide.
but i'm not doin my besh,which wrinkled me burdens.
i dunno why.n i just tot 'it's determined to be like this'
dun say "if i do this n dat,i'll dis n dat"
because it'll lead to the way of satan.

If Allah is your helper none can overcome you, and if He withdraw His help from you, who is there who can help you after Him? In Allah let believers put their trust. (al-Imran, ayat 160)

muet's waits me in the end of the week.
sopmo xleh tgk nur kasih~but i hope we reach um as early as possible,rite che wani=)
n watch it when the nite comes.
biarpun next after the day,the exam starts at 7.30 a.m.
n home again=)

have many things to do.
but will the chances allow me to?

che ilia,i'm sooryy 4 not wishim u.
to 4get ur day,is IMPOSSIBLE 4 me.we're clazzmate 4 4 years,okke.
whatever pn,happi blated la eyh.seemed u got ur first bday cake from che kuyah.=)
miss all of u.
al the besh 4 ur fnal.
u+che kuyah+ja+others.
please t8 ur fnal seriously.

May 20, 2009

longlive my mother!

ni tag kat sara=)

mother's full name;
siti eshah binti hussin

date of birth;
20 may 1953
[today;) ]
happy birthday,yup~

she call me at home;

upload her picture wif u;

greatest,fabulous thing bout ur mother that u can remember;
she can be both;mother n father
she t8 care of sembilan2 of us..could i??
spotim gak;) but on certain2 laa~

1 thing that i'll really m8 her upset;
erm...xdengar cakap dia laa...that's 4 sure~

hope n wishes 4 my mother;
panjang umo!sampai she can see her grandchildren whose mine..onestly,i wish 4 this~
dimasukkan ke dalam golongan2 beriman~
under HIS blessing~olwez~
olwez hepi;)

this tag goes to;

April 26, 2009

eXploRing thE 'junGLe'

in the kelapa sawit plantation!!
parents+tati+tayu+me went there on last friday to see wat's has goin on..after for years they're not visitin~...[they]..because i'm still not being bornt...still~
for the first tyme,i could see the buah kelapa's sounds lame..but..yup..i've neva see dat la..i just could watch it from the tv,newspaper,article..n at last,la...!kat my village pn ade jgak pokok kelapa sawit ni...hahahhahaa...u noela..if i have been given 5 months holiday,i'll never go elsewhere...duduk kat rumah jah..haha~....[sob3..sdey gop benna...]..;('s so sunyila kat sini...xder org pn..fears crept into me for a while..except for the jungle creatures;nyamuk2+pacat2+the others i dont know wat their name..hee~
the last 'drama' b4 we headed home..the pacat already prepared dah nak sucked my mum said pacat lam hutan tough sket...ha'ah..mmg pn..i could feel it when it started to suck mine..adoii~..
n tati sang an evergreen song,which was continued by my mum..pah2,balik!..

yesterday,we went for an outing wif lehan...he's better..i'm proud of him to be choosen as ketua zikir for his form...haha...i can't even expected he could do that..!..haha...
congrate to faiz[ih] for the oversea offer~jepun~he gonna registered tomorrow!..but he was undecided yet...pegila's golden chance..once in a lyfetyme okay!..
mine??...the result isn't out yet...maybe in the third week of may..maybe??..
lea,r u goin for this grad??...ur prs uniform..i'd not returned it yet..hahaha...balik awal sgt ari2...;)
i'm not goin for the perlis matriculation...;)
jihe,if u're dah give up lah..just tell me the answer,yup??...oyakla~...;P

*soooooo excited to find the pictures of gaasaku...;)..

April 21, 2009

award lagi ;)

[Make sure you take the pic and said it is from who]
ok..i already did it..n i was awarded from kak pqah!!
my ex-headgurl..
thanks kak pqah,yup!
for visitin here+awarding this blog;)

[You should tell 10 facts or hobbies about yourself]

i eat very slow!if i join a group whhich the group is supposed to eat..n we start at the same struck of the clock,u'll find the last person who finish is me...wua3..!maybe,after this i'll got an award for eating very slow??..wonder*..hahha!!..n it's not a weird view when u could see all the pekerja dining dah nak simpan sumer tray2 dah,but me tgh makan lagi!...i'm the 1 yg makan lambat ke??the others yg makan cepat??... ;p

i started to be the red-lover when i'm form four!..then,i see the colour really make my eyes attracted to=)....

i'm very high-disciplined in writing my diary!my friends surrendered when they could not get themselves faithful in writng them daily but mine,every corner was full!!..but,hello!i'm not a jiwang okkeyh!!..hehe~ade sape2 nak bantah ke,say dat i'm jiwang???...;p ...erm,dop sergho..heheh~~

i prefer to keep quiet when i'm angry,n i'll answer the people question very shortly..n admitting that i am angry that moment?? no..neva..i get cold quick,but i realized that i'm hard to forget what that sum1 did to me..except,that sum1 changes=)n..i'm easily hurt..wahaha..certain2 la kowt...;)

i didn't really lyke to drinks air batu!!!!...i'll face problems if i drink it..yup!..sounds weird,eh??..dulu,lepas abeskan segelas ke dua gelas ice drinks kan,i got sakit tekak n demam ..or demam terus..n i'll directly knoe sbb me minum air tue..p,kalau nak minum jgak,i have to note the senggang masa between minum tue..xboleh direct... ;p

i think too much what others said..aduss..ok2,i'm trying okay not to=)..
n rasanya..quite ok la skarang ni..hope,lepas ni..i wonT anymore...

i lyke to keep sumtin that make me remember bout sumtin..^^..paham ke??..for example,on the KOT nite last year,that was for the first tyme razak got third=),razakian[stgh2 je ni]..we went to the khemah n were chit-chatting,kan..mimi!..igt x??..n my fingers terbuang kulit almari ape ntah kat padang tue..n i kept it sampai arini..haha! has personal value,tau dop~
da rumput when sumy n i had a personal talk~
da ribbon dat he threw up to me on the nite of principal's retirement~n others..

i'm confuse to choose whether i want to be a dentist or a doctor ek??
dentist kowt=)

ainin is 70% penakut n 30% berani...;p

when i listen to songs,i do note its lyrics=)

..i do remember wat others advices me..oups,terlebey suda;p

||You should choose 5 other bloggers
(easier the ones who follow you),
mention their names in your blog||

farah ada..
sape2 deh..amek la=)

once again.tenkiu kak pqah^^

April 19, 2009



they're all mixed..;(
i kept thinking bout others..i should,but if it blocked me,should i??..xyahla kot..ngee~
[kalau xpaham,jgn pahamkan,ok;p]..hee~

i'm sorry people if i can't stop myself from answering the questions..which they're not really questions~they're arahan!..ntahla..
i should not hope that all human should be like i want..ade ke cam2??haha!
kite jgn harapkan org laen bersyukur,p kite dulu~

i felt that i'm waiting for sumtin..but seriously,i don't know,what's that??
the date of the registration??
the second week of may??
i can't wait of the start of our new lesson,but i realized,the [precious] holiday would end soon n i should appreciate every little moments wif my family~
i really meant it~precious=)
all this while, when the nite comes, i can sleep beside my sisters..certainly,without fears! eventhough the lite is OFF!haha..kat scul,bilik prefex mesti xtutup lampu sbb me la!!
i refused to!..hahhaaa!!!
n all the activities~i do wat i want to do..

then,about my scul's graduation,comfirm ke end of april??
unbelievable je ;p

lagi...i'm sorry la people...i do remember to all of you...but macam kak eno..kak eno!kite sama la..=)..i din really like SMSing..the keypad of my hp are too hard la..hehe~
jadi alasan pulak..
n the 'people' yg berkaitan?...i noe,they're not reading here..hehe~

rasa macam..
i'm free from anitim..but i don't~
n i knoe,i don't..
i'm juz,okay je, seemed cpat moody la~

~rasa relieved jgak blei xprez kat sini...=) ~
sekali skala,story2 kat sini best jgak..ngeh3...=D

notes=yeay2!!!kuyah is having her upax number!!hepi2=)
=the another award,next post,yup~

gud n8=)

April 9, 2009

alfurqan-ayat 74=)

last nite ikot my mum g skol lame...there's a motivation 4 da bdak2 darjah 6..well,lame da x p attend such event...da last,i think,mser abg Raja dtg tyme lpas K.O.T..
xrugi pegi=)
touch'y tgk bdk2 laki pi cium n hugged their mum...hope diorang sume berjaya+jd anak2 soleh n solehah sumernye...
ha!,,,nak share sumtin ni...motivator tue pesan..
amalkan ayat 74 surah al-furqan..
agar dapat pasangan n anak2 yg jadi penyejuk mata n hati...
sape xnak,kan??
slamt beramal,k..

March 13, 2009

segala puji bagimu,ya Allah..

throughout this week,i felt sumtin in my heart...sumtin hard sgt...why don't just thursday come quick??...cpatla...dah seksa sgt tggu ni...i could say that no one understands's i felt...i didn't know who's to turn to...who's to tell bout me~n yup..the feeling was unxplained by words..the 1 who's experienced this,knew it=)..n for the first time...fright+fear conquered me...i'm sory people,i'm lying kalau org tya,"takut x?"..rsa cam weird je if the answer was "xtakut pn..."..haha...sounds cam proud,my answer pn jadi "takut jugakla..."...even x pn sebna'y..i feel notim jer~however,this week really tortured made me to takut sgt ke tahap maxS...i got stomachache[4 bein nervous]..several times in a day..i got pictures wif my slip in ma hands that written all sorts of results for me~i got tired...i got really takut..n to calm down's just wif the creator,maha pembuat keputusan,maha adil, yg fate already written da pn by HIM...n my duty on that time was just to accept the fate,prepared mentally+physically 4 ketenangan n kekuatan wif everitim that were..if i fail,fail xdpat 10a,ainin,u need to redha...tue rezeki which Allah had decided 4 me...u have to bersyukur greatly...sape2 yg bersyukur,HE gives more..u did less from others ke..mum said..kite ni hmba dye...xde sape2 pn kite..jgnla pk ak kna dpt gini2..result len xbole dapat..eyy,sape kite nak decide cam2???..then 1 of my frens kata...kalau xbole a satu,so wat?lau xbole a dua,so wat?..lau xbole a for 3 subjects,so wat?..whooa...kinda best thinkin cam2..bagus betol kalau dapat pk cam2...HE almighty know everitim...we do sins wif the added of the,maybe because of the sinS yg buat dapat cam2..

on monday,tuesday n wednesday,i was terribly+extremely takut..the food xnak masuk perut pom...[till i got gastric on results' day...]...aduyai..i think i can't bear the sadness kalau xbole result comey..feel like schooldays for 5 years xguna pn...result seblom ni,worthless jer..all my hard work+sacrifices were notim~one more tim,malu+frust n others la..pity on my parents+siblings+teachers+frens+seniors yg always ready tolong...yg olwez banyak gler help me when i'm schooling...i canT say that i'd probs,as they would come straight away..."xnak ya serabut wif problems...nak study beres je"...n i know all parents pn camnie..we're appreciated,kan?..smpai hati ke kite...they would do everitim for us...just for the excellence...but kite,xkan xleh nak sacrifices sket 4 sumtin that they could i do this kalau xbole result comey...i'm sorry sgt2...rasa bersalah sgt..howver i think,msti my parents yg would console me kalau dapat result teruk...they won't show theirs..certainly la kan...all the oceans of books[u should see my books when i was in form five,okay...]..+all the handouts+kije2 skul..seemed worthless..

be4 i stepped out from the car,yup...i accept both...i redha n bole time kalau dapat teruk pn...honestly!'s Allah's decision...n He know better that the results should always suit us,suits our hard works be4...n believe me,u'll owez tenang kalau pk cam2...i was contented wif what i'd done...but after that,my hands xbole lari from jadi,not macam ice la...haha..seeing frens pn akan releasedkan tension nak tau result tu...=)...

so,the gathering started,the desk wif our slips da already dop dpan pn...then,cikgu jizah gave the taklimat bout our graduation nanti 30 april soon..n lastly,..."okay,...sorang2...datang depan..."....n silence filled the atmosphere...eyy,sape yg berani?????...n salute la temad,he's the 1 yg bangun n pegi kat meja untuk klas dye,followed by others,n pokka n syeme for my hand was in kuyah's...wahaha...gurls xde org pn nak bgn.."nyn,jom g..."..kuyah said when she saw the boys were already berkerumun pn around the desk for 5alpha...n we're there..n i'm in front of her..YA ALLAH..ak menerima segala takdirMu ya Allah...n i was!..n i made a step eyes da macam helang daa...sbb kene intai..haha..n i saw...[since my name is Ainin sofia,001 lagi no. angka of course,my slip was above others]..

sijil pelajaran malaysia 2008
ainin sofia bnti mohamad napi..
my eyes catchim da numbers..
bm 1a
bi 1a
pai 1a
sej 1a
math 1a
addmath 1a
phy 1a
chemistry 1a
bio 1a
est 1a

~1119 cambridge 1a~

n the 1st person who knew?..kuyah!!!...i hugged her wif segala kesyukuran kepadaMu,ya Allah..this success isn't mine..i know it's from HIM...if He didn't want me to obtain this,HE will do it anyway....n my abah said?'s ujian....i'm not extremely happy...but i'm happy...happy to cheer my parents...happy that my hard works+sacrifices+others were teachers,especially teacher sue, i didn't know how to thanks them...semoga mereka mendapat secukup2+selebih2 balasan...happy that ALLAH heard my doa+my each words...believe me...kalau nak pape,cakapla ng DIA...segala ape yg engkau hajatkan,just tell HIM..DIA xkan kecwakan sesape,but the most important things,that i want to stressed here,bersangka baiklah dgn DIA...sbb indeed,HE said"AKU menurut sangkaan hambaku"...n Yakinlah dengan janji DIA...sape2 yg berusaha,dia dapat hasilnya..

to all my frens,kuyah,ja,syeme,gobox,ade,cimut,luq,cerah,cerah jepom,ca,amie,zaid, n others...congrats evryone...but to my dear frens yg didnt make it...this isn't the end..all of u ade rezeki kat laen..yg maybe lagi greater..deem HIM..i know,u oll were doing the best in it..but the rezeki...Allah yg tentukan...just remmber all things happen have their own reasons..i know that i won't heal ur hurt but i do emphatise..i know all of u were preparing tooth n nail for it...ok,i'm sorry,sorry,sorry, time is there for us~..struggle toward it...dont make this as ur plemah semangat,instead sbagai pembakar semgt yg lebih lagi...x impossible kalau pahni dapat 4flat ke..ya Allah,tenangkan rakan-rakanku,ya Allah..

~segala puji bagimu,ya Allah~

notes=this post is tremendously,specially 4,i would read it+indulge maself in it again n again in the future..

March 7, 2009

mum unhappy+happy because it's earlier~

hoho..the new set of chair arrived earlier than promised=)..
n excitement was in me much than my mum..sbb
it's unxpected yg lawanya!!^^
sbb dulu,i'm prefer a set of sofa,tp,my mum beli yg wooden punye,
so, i thought all the buruk2+unattractive+sume2 yg xlawa..
n yup!..i was proven wrong!
the fresh smell of the wooden+leather,
i cud catch it from afar^^
hey,i got my new spot to taking my nap ;p
seemed hard rite sbb kusi tue kayu,but bler duduk,xrasa pon=)
wahaha..welcome2 people..meh r jalan ghummoh=)

n my mum happy because it's earlier^^

these are lehan's..
he got them from his school when angkasawan dr.faiz datang kat scul dye..
la..igtkan syed muzaffar~

n know wat?i got my lesson last thursday,
if we're out,bawak kamera,ainin,bawak kamera!
aduyai...rugi btol xbawak kamera msa pegi kat scul lehan tue..
igtkan pameran sains ape,igtkan yg biase2 je..
hey!it wasn't..!

it's actually sambutan keputeraan duli raja perempuan kelantan!!
n we'd a chance to see her from near=)
lots of performation
pameran kereta antik,

n unexpected!
bler boleh jumper my farisian juniors~
it's all 40
kat sic^^
boleh tahan jgak sic nie ye=)

so,laen kali bawak kamera,ok!..=(


n why my mum unhappy?
because my result is earlier,not 16 march..
thus,she can't join me..
it's okay,mum^^

March 5, 2009

this weEk?

what i learnt this week:

  • tom yam paste is betteR than tom yam cube..;p
  • kuyah enjoyed her buSiness well...lots were interested wif the SBP-shirt=)
  • i know that i'm very fond of ~ it keep being my first web to be clicked upon surfing the internet=)..thanX luQ..~miss my schooLdays..
  • puzzled to guess that i do regret ke x tak pegi K.O.T..hahaha...erm*wonder*
  • kak sya is soo kind+kindhearted+humble+baek n she turned to be my besT tempat rujukan of many things=scholarship[sime darby,jpa,mara]..pasUm+tesl+medic+sains hayat..she can't even see my mssg+cmmnT,she tend to call me trus~...=)...wahaHA..i'm the luckiest^^..gooD luck 4 ur exaM,kay=)
  • i'll get my UPAX number????...ngeee~...ehem2,my family siblings member don't know yet..=P
  • Anak Betong the lagenda serieS=the end~..alaa...want more;)
  • before shutting up my eyes,need to tutup+gulung2 well the door or the opening of the kelambu,kalau x,jadi tido ngan nyamuk n me ng tati would find all the nyamuk2 terperangkap dalam tue were all gemok2+fat..wif our sweeeeT blood~...gerammmnyeerr..will the kelambu be called 'nyamuk trapper'???..=P
  • 12 vs 16 march....the new rumours...what is the exact date,ek??..tend to be 12 march kot=) but if 12 march,my mum xdapat pegi ng me kat scul..xpela kot..owunk len pom xmai ng family...^^...if 16 march,ade [owunk] xcukup pulak g amek result+lambat..hope not~
  • today is my birthday..[8 rabiulawal]..^^
  • i'm sharing my feveret spot in kbmall wif lea..=)
  • this laptop is already jammed+hang+watsoever~...wawawa...sdey~..n my mood in surfing,seemed to be exhausted wif that prob..=(..just imagine la,every step,every click that i want to make,kena tkan [ctrl+alt+delete n switch to]...alahai~..what a waste..n i can't stand it,4 sure...but sidelined internet from my day???...ehhem!..hahhaa..not now~
  • mom is waitin 4 a new set of chair next week=)..n our ruang tamu is bersiap sedia untuk menerima ahli baru..ngeee~leh,ghejak,ghelie,i bet u may be suprised soon~
  • momo nyau2 did sumtin bad..
  • it has been a week i'd heard nothing bout him~
  • asasi sains hayat kene blaja physic jugak!!!!
  • experience is the best teacher,rite??,the jpa+other scholarship,nak apply ke x ek??..because it's clear enough as it's true the local institution become my choice,so xpayah apply..lau apply,blei g interview+can feel by myself the suasana interview+my hands akan jadi cold jgak x??...*wonder*
  • my test jpj=25 march 09..wish me luck,people=)
  • my 8-hours of motorcyle=finish!!!?..mmg da, i think kne use the 'another' 7 hours well jgak if i want to pass the nilai~...wohoho...titi xnaek ag+brek emergency xtry ag+angkat2 tgn xlagi+tongkat moto maself,x lagi...aduyai..malu la 6t lau naek pagi2 since pagi ramai owunk la kat kotaraya tue...they'll stare at me or x,ek???...i hope not..^^..hahhaa..

*bler result,nie.......*

March 1, 2009

sorRy n thaNks tati..=)

[my tuRn:) ]

at our uncle's house^^
at last,i cud spur my happiness,cycling+runnng on his bicycle machine,fat burner or whatever u could call it..after beyond the years,
i longed to naek basikal!!
basikal2 kat umah are all rosak=(
lama daa xnaek basikal..hoho..

well,yesterday actually,went 4 an outing wif lehan..
lehan was better=)
g kbmal..[nak beli sumtin act,but frust nye*not enough budget*]
so,i thought,kene tunda la kot,or cancel trus..=(..

a dreadful day!..
i'd done sumtin terrible!
thanks sgt2 n sori sgt2 tati ek..
or i'm sure i would be scolded soon..fuh!..alhamdullilah~
tati said no need to upload photos
maybe it would turn bad..^^
ok,tati..but thanks,ya^^