June 9, 2011

kak ainul,ppl's calling u:)

this is kak ainul's.from her Day 24,,
okay.i'm in awe with what in my sight.too many books! :)

& this is syifa's:
 Kak Ainul has un'private'kan her blog which is one of the blog that I impressed a lot with her writings.. memang best! I am sure Kak Enin couldn't agree more with me, right? =) 

haha.i wont , never deny that.i just cant live without her blog,really.haha!
but syifa, i dont have any answer for this,no,it's just that,
we give the pro to answer it,could u,kak ainul? :)

I do need sharpened my English as A-level English, or they call them as IELTS or whatsoever are definitely not a SPM--going to like.. They are tough! How can I cope with them? 

let me guess,i think the secret recipes rely behind those booookkks,maybe,it's one of them..
others,kak ainul,we're waiting.but i know she's busy with her exam~
looks like syifa isnt the only one who need  kak ainul's response XD

1 comment:

IamCIPA said...

like, like, like! hahaha