January 18, 2013


there're lot of things yang nak buat, yang KENA buat before balik, & in holiday.
sometime it feels like i'm in a wrong course, eh? no no it's not that actually.
i have my variety of passion till i wanna do double degree :P (perasan je lebeyh :P ) oleh itu  i'm in my right course, it's just that i have another passion too. okay okay dear settle satu satu.
planning je banyak ni. please make sure u're working on each one please.
balik nak baking nak masak all holiday's along
date saved for besties' day = kukuyyayyah & che amie!
doodling & reading & ibadating :P

today i did videos marathon. from ceramah, to oki setiana dewi's videos, and videos in between, till i found dena baharin's videos. wow she's so nice.
till i spent this whole night  reading & self reflecting, aids by her blog & i stumbled to this page.
scrolling down, u'll found her video for her mum.
i was just like- me-buat banyak2 video + tayang banyak2 video for persatuan society, but for my own siblings or specifically for my mum & parents, erk.
will do in shaa Allah.

tazkirah sket, before i tend to  forget nak share.
from ceramah2 lama:
 cane kita nak tahu decision or action kita tu betol ke tak?
it's when it drags you closer to Allah :')

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