May 14, 2013

taken here

revising lecture notes. listening yasmin mogahed's streaming video

if you dont attach to Allah,
& seek help from sabr & solah (remembrance of Allah)
doing good deeds & all,
then i dont know if you get the strength in a right way or what :/

dont try to get the approval & pleasure of ppl,
 instead, get the approval & pleasure of Allah.

the more u try to please ppl, the more they will run from you,
 'detach' your heart from them, i mean your ultimate goal on them,
the ultimate goal is only Him.

try to please Allah, & u'll find they will come closer too~

"baiki hubungan dengan Allah, Allah akan baiki hubungan kita dengan manusia"
kalau ada masalah dengan manusia, check balik yang dengan Allah punya.
kalau worry too much, check balik percaya & tawakkal dekat Allah.

haish ainin ni, banyak sangat risau & takutnya (--")

& i  get the answer directly:)
che yam, u'd sure love this ! :)

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