May 21, 2013


of finishing 2 books in two days:)
molecular genetic seminar-tomorrow.

so, alhamdullilah we did it for our mother's suprise through the simple video:)
i mean i just compile all the pictures & videos,
though the hardest part was to collect of my brothers' & sisters'
but alhamdullilah, they eased everything:)

& this was the update from my youngest brother's part on 2oth may:

06.15AM : I woke up early than usual. ( nk buat surprise nih!) - pegi ruang tamu - sambung pendrive kt TV( ada video dlm pendrive) - telangkupkan satu tv tu dengan kain.

06.45AM : pasang camera tersembunyi (dear Ainin SofiaAhmad FarisAhmad Izaq,Ahmad SyaziliAttiey Mohamad, kalu nk tgk reaksi mok, nti blik umah hea tnjuk deh, hehe) - waiting for suprise *nervous hahaha

07.00AM : mak ajak sarapan kt dapur - bagi alasan nak makan kt luar ( of cos la, TV kn kat ruang tamu, mana ada kat dapur) - she walk and... jeng3! - she was curious,
" ni kain gapo pulok ni?" - ditariknya kain itu, and then... she saw the video... - I play it for her. - mak speechless - she smile, she laugh, and then I saw a tear in her eyes, well she must be really touched. I kiss her hand and I said " Selamat Hari Lahir mok... hehehe"

07.15AM : bru turun rumah nk pegi sekolah - she waved at me and she smiled, a smile that I never saw it before. She must be very happy, insyaallah. Alhamdulillah. Thanks brother and sisters! We made it! Alhamdulillah :)

because i know things that make her happy.
when we, one family get unite.
even after she's gone. sobs.
yes, she always mentions that.

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