June 28, 2013


typing while eating.

harini bahagiaa. kenapa? sebab today is the 1st paper & tomorrow is my second paper.whatsoever.
 alhamdullilah for today, of course in Him.

memang issue la kan while there's no gap in my these two papers,  & i post this picture.
nope.this is because i found this:
she's one of the majalah jom's columnist,22 years old, and gonna be married in hobart, autralia. 4 days to go.
barakallah for the both of them.

"Aku tahu kau tengah busy and happy sekarang, aku pun tumpang happy. Sincerely. Sincerely. Tapi aku harap, jangan sesaat pun kau lupakan family kita dekat Syria, dekat Gaza, dekat Mesir sana semua tu. So Eu. Pandai2 lah kau balance perasaan tu ye. Selamat naik tangga. Take care and be wise all way through. Love u."

- Ringkas seorang sahabat. Seorang murabbi. Seorang yang paling memahami.
-eushahida raffar-

be wise, to balance.
be wise, to differentiate, between the ultimate goal & love (which is Allah himself) with the blessed goal & love,

this apply for each everyone la, tipula kalau orang yang takde sape-sape pun dia tak fikir apa-apa kan :P

(9:24) Katakanlah: “jika bapa-bapa , anak-anak , saudara-saudara, isteri-isteri, kaum keluargamu, harta kekayaan yang kamu usahakan, perniagaan yang kamu khawatiri kerugiannya, dan tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai, adalah lebih kamu cintai dari Allah dan RasulNYA dan dari berjihad di jalan NYA, maka tunggulah sampai Allah mendatangkan keputusan NYA“

okay.gonna finish this one plate of nasi goreng which was cooked by my beloved achik kakak final year student who was in her very final day with us sobs
 & finish up tomorrow's revision.


Achik said...

sedap tak nasi goreng?

Unknown said...

sedappppppp.acu tgk ore edit post neyy.haha