April 15, 2011

my dearie birthday girl.

because we'll always be-together!

Having friends has no boundaries,
Not in age, color or countries.
Unlike love it is countless,
The more one has,
The less weight one carries.
Being friends is the greatest bond,
It forms the basis of love.
No two can truly love if they are not friends,
Or soon they would meet their end.

To me friends are like a gift,
One that I am grateful for till the end.
At times of despair, I’m there to depend,
At times of danger, I’m there to defend.
I’ll hold you ever so near,
For you are so dear.When problems come our way,
Working together we will be ok.
Together we share a bond,
Better than love, this is far beyond.
It starts off as a spark of fire,
Growing ever large till it glows like sapphire.
If one is sad, the feeling is shared,
That’s how we know the other cared.
As days go by, and nights flow by,
We’ll be together, forever, not saying goodbye.
Without a friend like you ,
I would be lost,
No reason to get out of bed,
Just waiting to drop dead.
So let’s make a promise then and now,
That no matter what we won’t be down.
We’ll journey together forevermore.
Let’s sail off to the mysteries of life,
Out to the wonders and hardships
Nothing but fun and laughter in our trip.
On our remarkable Friend-Ship.

zakaria on friendship
islamic poems:)

zakaria did write it,but it also meant mine.
happy birthday dear.sweet 20th.
i just hope that i can bear on your absence soon.
cakap awal2-xnak hantar yah KLIA.haha:D
dont eva pujuk2 me to pegi yap! haha!

"sesiapa yg menjaga akan terjaga" :)

& the caravan of living seemed nearer to its real destination.
our body eat and bleed in this world, but our soul not,
it's untouched,as it used to connect with The One.
be home,even we're alive as the soul's home isnt here.ppl weep for those dead bodies,but ppl actually must weep to those have dead soul,in that living slave,souls that are alienated with their own Creator.
The One who Create the souls <3

O Lord, make my soul a sanctuary, a fortress within. That no one and nothing can disturb. A place of calm, silence, serenity, untouched by the outside world. The soul that Allah (swt) calls al-nafs al mutmaina (the reassured soul) (Qur’an 89:27).

because when death arrives, and it's calling for u,not ppl next to u or besides but YOU,
are u ready for your caravan of living to shift there?

just attending kuliah subuh n ustaz said,
there'll be ninety lines of Allah's slaves soon,from Prophet of Adam to the last,
& only one line,heaven are theirs. ;(
not based on heirs,
me & u,we're amongst the pearl or with tears??!


MadhiahMohdGhazali said...

lama pikir nak comment ape. till today.

totally im speechless.
to have a sahabat like u.
bersahabat sampai syurga :)

Unknown said...

xperasan pn ade cmment.