June 14, 2011


fs=not meant friendster,instead, ust.Fatimah Syarha.

because when we're fated to meet Him & asked by Him,why we did these & that,do we have those answer & prepared for all those question?

as one day we'll meet Him,undeniably.

my brother,faris uploaded this youtube video.then, i asked him,what's that and i just watched it.hehe thanks.probably when he knew who's ustazah fatimah syarha or to be better said,adore her after reading her book 'pemilik cintaku selepas Allah & Rasul' which my sister & me have finished it 2 years ago.reminiscenced, when i & che wani talked among ourselves of knowing a pious,good boy once at we're asasian, also recommended that book in our facebook group & we just smiled and glad because,yes,the book really taught the reader something:) also to be stronger.be tenaciously firm for what we've been holding all this while.

remember those time when i was asasian,attending 2 talk from her but she cannot attend & how the students went so frustated.i just didnt fated to listen to her talk live~ but it's okay:)

owh,about that video,watch it yourself.perhaps it'll load so long,but it's worth watching:) a must for che kuyah(of course after your exam) & che wani & others sape2 nak tengok:P

komen kepada diri sendiri selepas menonton video ini?
i think the perfect word is
erm.stay strong.


MadhiahMohdGhazali said...

dah tengok dah video nih ! hehe. and tau tak FS penah datang bagi talk kat intec? hehe. kat sruau. sangat lah tak formal masa tu. surau tak lah besar sgt. hehe. and tajuk dia lebih kurang sama. :) points2 pon lebih kurang. hehehehehhe :p

jangan jeless!

Unknown said...

okelah fine;)
mestilah sgt jeles even telah dipesan jgn jeles:P

honenie said...

it wudn't b LOVE if making them far away from ALLAH...
selamat bermujahadah sahabat..