Tak pernah tahu pasal filem ni sampai suami pilih secara tak sengaja sebab belanja adik adik untuk watch films.
Perasaan kami lepas menonton?
Totally blur 

lepas baca spoiler movie baru dapat relate. Ainin kasi 4.5 over 5 bintang. Slow tapi best message dia.
Boleh baca spoiler dekat google. Yang ni second review yang Ainin baca.
Review The Arrival?
A complex exploration of al-Qadhā’ and al-Qadar, in which we as Muslim (alhamdulillah) had understood since the early days of our Prophet.
-Syed Israa
A complex exploration of al-Qadhā’ and al-Qadar, in which we as Muslim (alhamdulillah) had understood since the early days of our Prophet.
-Syed Israa
Siapa dah watch The Arrival?
Through this story, you will wonder about the non- linearity of time (just like the Prophet said) sebab all the syurga neraka have existed as well as the stories happened there.
Bukti time is non linear?
Surah surah di dalam alquran. Cerita cerita hari kiamat. Cerita cerita syurga dan neraka. Hadis hadis Rasul.
Surah surah di dalam alquran. Cerita cerita hari kiamat. Cerita cerita syurga dan neraka. Hadis hadis Rasul.
But we take them for granted.
Tapi we human je yang experiences the linearity of the time.
Tapi kalau kita dah tahu apa yang dah jadi dekat kita dekat akhirat nanti, apa tindakan kita? Adakah kita akan ubah?
Semuanya telah ditetapkan, semua tindakan, semua choices. It’s not about destination. It’s about the journey.
Bersangka baik pada Tuhan itu priority
Sorryyyy ainin dah spoilkan story plot !