September 8, 2011

hari raya at night.

just talked with kuyah dearie:)

well,thanks to Him,for this homestay at my brother in law's house.
although i'm quite sad of cannot enjoin those who are at puncak now.
because,this is my very first tyme of seeing people celebrate raya at night.
children visiting their neighbors after their kelas mengaji at nearest surau ,
& me myself,joined them,with my sister's family visited houses just now.
& was at night.
& yes.they're wearing BAJU RAYA!
that were so awesome.they were first for my eyes.
at least,for me:P

i'm silently wanna turned off my raya mode.( it should be!lectures are going to start!)
but these visiting disturbed that mode.
ohh.that's means i'm praising them.they're great,right?
that's what Rasullallah taught us to:)

well,Allah has already filtered all of those things.He knows what's best.what's we can handle.
nite ppl!

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