October 7, 2011


orang-orang yang saling mencintai keranaKU,berhak atas kecintaanKu.

3 assignments.fighting!

we have little time in knowing each other.but Allah ties the hearts close:)
insyaallah for the sake of Him^^
take care dear.always recharge your iman at home.
He's always have a look on you.watch out:P


eyefanadhyra said...

thanks sis~ nice editing! :)insyaAllah,,i'll always remember ur words,,,^^hve a nice time stdyng k,,:)

Amzar Aziz said...

Ainin, nothing but just really happy to see ainin gembira, bahagia, sentiasa cukup dengan apa yang Ainin ado. :D
Dari hati seorang sahabat.
Proud of ya!