January 17, 2012

artery & vein

the least portion of mind?is it?

in the mode of aiman azlan.
he's nice.i keep on laughing in the intermediates of this video :)~
& will be off for one week plus minus. (it means plus :p )

This lump of flesh that I have in my chest
It beats for
The One to whom it belongs to
But being an ungrateful borrower that I am
I give it away to one who deserves it not

For shame! A total disregard of the Owner!
Such a beautiful Owner, Who is still there
Even though I gave it away, more than once
He is there, willing to recover a broken item

Now, I hold on to it close. Lock it so tightly
Trying so hard not to give you the golden key
Realize this, I am merely a poor key keeper
Entrusted by the Keymaker to keep it safe

Until one day. That day. How I long for that day!
That blessed day when the keys switch hands
Please, keep mine safe!
I will keep yours safer
Unlock the hearts, for
His per
mission was earned

by aiman azlan.

Jika manusia harus lama menanti apa yang diinginkannya, maka hilanglah kesabaran dan sempitlah dadanya. 

Ia lupa bahawa di dalam penciptaan ini Allah memiliki sunnah-sunnah yang tidak akan berubah, bahawa segala sesuatu ini mempunyai waktu yang telah ditetapkan, bahawa Allah tidak akan dapat dipengaruhi oleh ketergesa-gesaan seorang pun. 

Setiap buah memiliki batas waktu matang. Ketergesa-gesaan seseorang tidak akan dapat mematangkannya sebelum batas waktunya, sebab ia tunduk kepada sunnatullah yang mengaturnya. Tak seorang pun dapat memaksanya."
(Dr.Yusuf al-Qaradhawi, anak murid Syeikh Muhammad al-Ghazali.)

semoga terjaga & dijaga sebaik2 Penjaga.He's the sufficient Guardian indeed,
but He do gives choice:

And inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness,He has succeeded who purifies it,And he has failed who instills it [with corruption].

Maka Allah mengilhamkan kepada jiwa itu (jalan) kefasikan dan ketakwaannya.Sesungguhnya beruntunglah orang yang mensucikan jiwa itu.Dan sesungguhnya merugilah orang yang mengotorinya

to purify or to splash it with dirt, you choose.

Allahtahu& Allahpandang:)

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