" cikgu,kadang-kadang saya buat latihan cikgu dekat sekolah bagi, pastu padam balik sebab saya nak cikgu bebel dkat saya, pastu saya boleh buat kerja lain"
"cikgu, cikgu dkat sekolah bebel bebel panjang"
"cikgu, kakak saya marah marah saya"
"cikgu, opah saya suruh jadi doktor pakar, tapi saya nak jadi askar"
"cikgu cikgu nampak tak pipi saya kena cakar kucing"
words,from the primary schools students.
dear people, treat them as humans. they just need attention, just like the adults.
they are genius, but due to the love lacking, they are willing to act weird.
all they need is some chunk of time, some bits of attention, trust me.
i saw the tired face on the parents once stepping out.
just, to see their child's excellence.
yang buat saya rasa betul-betul bersalah kalau tak prepare betul-betul for their kids.
& also, mak abah, terima kasih for all this while:')
labwork done alhamdullilah:D :D
thesis, my ultimate attention is yours now, love and love.
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