September 4, 2011

blue here & there


& here they are:
see me? ;)
 & they're all my family:) 

bye2 hommie.hye2 shah alam.
today is the last day~
uitm shah alam.wait 4 my brother,yap:)

so,whoever have watched bulletin utama tv3 on 1 sept,know what im gonna blog about.
a simple explanation.i dislike the loonnggg,we're the generation of Tok Lebai were all gathered at SK Parang Puting PC,around 1000 ppl, a grand event one.~
be planned by mum's cousin,also the one of the lecturers of UKM,prof. emeritus datuk dr. abd latif mohammad.
having one of  tv3 cameraman  in our family,also my mum's cousin,azreen shafila's uncle~so we were on tv:)


Asfarina :) said...

besaqnyaaaaaaaaa! haha glamour masuk tv, senang ja dah ramai2 gitu mcm2 kerjaya. btw, slmt hari raya kak ainin, maaf zahir batin :)

Manisan.Hidup said...

ya Allah. ramainya. terkejut tin tgok. masuk paper n tv tu petim. haha
kak enin sangat beruntung. ^__^ kak enin cicit, piut @ miut nh?

Manisan.Hidup said...

btw, slamat hari raya maaf zahir batin kak enin. :)

Unknown said...

asfa:thanks.selamat hari raya jgak^^
welcome to klantan anyway:)
yg biru tue mak& uncle2 (cucu tok lebai)
maaf zahir batin ten.salam aidilfitri.
bila g mesir?

Manisan.Hidup said...

wahh. cicit.:D
bleh knal sdara mara jauh2. suka la gtu. ^_^
tin g 22 sept. pray 4 me kak enin. :')