my readers,i plead you to watch this,please:)
at her very first tyme of wearing her jilbab:
"Ya Allah,saya percaya,ketika aku menuju ke arahmu,menuruti perintahMu,Kau pasti akan memberi sesuatu yang indah pada waktunya :) "
"ya Allah,mudah-mudahan saya pakai jilbab ini,saya bisa jadi anak solehah,doa anak solehah didengar Allah,supaya ibu saya bisa sembuh~ "
"rezeki kita tak akan pernah tertukar:) "
she's sweet.she's beautiful.she's pious & kind.if we'd seen her like this & like that in KCB,that's really her^^
& i like her and i wanna be like her.insyaallah and aamiiin.
for those who's the same shoes like me of not having chances in watching final episode of KCB special ramadhan,go here & here.they are so sweeeetttt~ :)
it's not about how pious you are when labuhnya tudung itu,but it's about how it can guide you,internally and in everyday life.may it guides,may it because of Allah.
sebelum ni dia tak bertudung ke? dia bertudung kan, kat luar cerita?
yap.dia bertudung,dia mula bertudung masa highschool,masa highschool tue dye dah terlibat ngan seni.fesyen show:)
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