October 9, 2014


it's time to get serious.
at work, in research.
oh btw please please, check on your alquran.
it's so sedihh--tengok anak muda sekarang sangat jauh dengan alquran.
who you expect that can save you soon?

yaaa, i miss you too.
i just getting along so well with the outside world, so much.
lessons to this far?
-to savour simple things.
- to concern on particular small things,
because those small things brings to big things, big impact soon.

talk soon.
btw, fiqah dear, less than one month for your dearly spm.
appreciate all your golden moments, i know u can do it ^^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Waa terharuuu kak enin update heee...kak enin...keep on update ehh.your words help me a lot .. dgn izinNya. Keep ur duaa tauuuu :))) sygggg kk enin :;)