December 30, 2016

Robin Sharma's 100 Lessons This Year Taught Me

2.4, Literature Review

i'm selecting the one who's suits me

#16. To lead is to serve.
#24. The more powerful you become the less you'll need to advertise how powerful you are. 

#19. Make the time to mentor, coach and develop your team. You'll grow your business swiftly by helping your people unleash their gifts beautifully. And it's the right thing to do. [Leaders grow more leaders]. 

#23. Talk to yourself like you love yourself. You wouldn't speak to your loved ones the way you sometimes speak to you. 

December 8, 2016

Nota Kawen : The priority

Lepas rancangan Tanyalah Ustaz, mak suka share dekat group family.
Banyak sangat mak sharing
Itulah kehebatan teknologi
Mak memang suka sharing and remind kami.
Haritu mak share:

"Anak anak perempuanku,
selagi kamu memelihara solatmu, puasamu,
maka suamimu merupakan pintu ke syurgamu.
Anak lelakiku,
taatilah segala perintah Allah, pimpinlah ahli keluargamu kejalan yang diredhaiNya, berbuat baiklah kepada kedua org tuamu kerana mereka merupakan pintu syurgamu"
Kudoakan syurga buat ibubapaku.

October 17, 2016

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Ainin dah pindah

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