March 31, 2014


i cant believe it, i missed it.
boleh pulak baru perasan message inbox ni today
yes today.
i just realized there are two buttons for the inbox and other.
 Allahurabbi. takde rezeki:(
must be due to some reasons. inshaaAllah, if it's destined for me, it will.

first status:
dear mum & lehan, semoga selamat sampai.
have a safe journey.
 dear ghejak & paleh & every1, thanks for the day:')
dear Allah, thanks for the people You'd sent me:')

second status:
2 months. dear Allah,too much to be thankful.


Achik said...

rindunya adikk..kalu allah izin ada ada masa nanti nak kuar jalan2 ngan adik,kalu balik or cuti etc please oyakk..

MadhiahMohdGhazali said...

how can u missed that ?!

haha. sorry saje buat rasa lagi sedih :p

Unknown said...

i miss youuuu