Showing posts with label me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label me. Show all posts

May 10, 2009

'jagalah' Allah,nescaya Allah akan menjaGa kamu~

millions of thanks to oma=)
i was so relieved to know it..
i'm converting jpa oversea scholarship into jpa local scholarship!!
he asked me to call the jpa~
so,it could not be said that i declined the offer;)
~pujuk hati,heheh..~
at least,dgn makna kata laen,terima jgak kan;)
that means,i got jpa when i'm studying at the asasi until i finish my degree=)
that means,i rily goin to do dentistry soon~
i'm not goin to apply it twice la pahni~

"tapi awak kna maintain la...kalau x,kna tarik"

3.5 and above is a must for me for every sem
please nyn~
xbole maen2 ok..
or u noe ape akn jadi~
ghejak!i wanna be lyke u,okkeyh=)

=jagalah Allah,NESCAYA Allah akan menjaga kamu=
[be confident wif this!]

oversea=accept oR decLine?

alhamdullilah...i got oversea offer[ jpa] fot dentistry~
but,it was unexpected that i was so berat hati to decline it...
to click 'menolak tawaran' button...
i know...i had decided it...and i know,i have to click on it~..
in the end?tutup page tue...haha...xtekan gapow2~..
biarla dulu...
i think,at last,i'll decline the offer jgak...;(
orang laen keep advising me to pk btol2..
making me more berat hati la...
nak terima ke tolak ni???...
nak terima and biler trime surat,x gi??

tolak kowt~
nyn,i've already made the decision okay...
whatever pun,akan ade jgak halangan kalau trima pn..
short word,xleh g oversea!
give the offer for the 1 who really want it n boleh pegi sane=)

ala,lau ade rezeki,xkan ke mana..
just accept it,k?;)
u have already prepared for this..
blaja btol2 even lam negara~
struggle btol2~
study molek2;)
pegi dgn penuh smgt k~untuk blaja~
'sama' je blaja kat mana2..yg penting usaha+pointer tinggi
aim for that!

9 may
abe puddeen and arwah aten bday..
alfatihah to her...
still,vividly remembered,she brought a cake to our classmate this nite
[9 may 2008]
and i was the 1 yg suapkan dye;(

sheewon,mimi n others,
blaja btol2 6t kat matrix=)
nyn,kte dahla masuk dafta lewat,so,kire da tetinggal la from others..
focuz study,k;)
that's wat shud i do~
prove that,lau lam ngra pn,blaja pn okay;)

May 8, 2009

graduation day~

canT be xplained by words;)
the reminiscences stay~

May 4, 2009

pasum~here i comE=)


TAHNIAH! Anda telah berjaya ditawarkan program pengajian seperti berikut:

KOD : M0010

i'm 4 days late..but here it is..the result was out finally..the 1 which i'm fond of all this while..alhamdullillah...=)..the 1st choice of mine~..
but i'm not that excited la...bcause i can say that i'm quite alone....pemilihan mmg tough r this year...huk3..omar got sumtin else~kuyah pn..
but those who'll join me, are faryzal n ja...but i think,it doesn't change anything..because they'll go for the oversea,i'm alone again...sob3...except for paiz, ain and dot dot..[he did not allow me to tell any1 larh...;p]..they're already there for the rpkj programme...rpkj ni...programme 4 semester for those yg dapat scholarship jpa untuk g jepun...~
whatever it is...i'll struggle hard and smart once again because the journey did not stopped when the spm examination was over....aaaaaa!!!xigt sume doh niiiiii!!!!!!.....addmath+phy+chemistry...
the 1 which i worrrrriiieeed much=addmath...or will be called as math soon...zaid wont there anymore to teach me all sort of sketch my task paper wif all the cutie stuff...;(

by the way,today,the registration date is confirmed on 25 may 2009,the first monday of the final week of may...2 semester+the 12th college..i have 3 weeks more to be physically and mentally prepared....but,how about...intelligence prepared??.....*scream***...i lost everitim...;p..hahahaha!for my frens who are choosing matrix...u're goin to register on 11 may,rite?? week!...thus,njoy urself at home sepenuhnya this week=)

so,i hope,instead of choosing perlis matriculation[and oversea offer if i'll get this] over pasum,i do the best choice:)..i should admit if a little fear crept into mine,as to be the best among the BEST here,is sooo hard....~kak sara penah kata kan...mmg kna struggle n xleh maen2 kat sini~..kak sya pn..the other blogger pn..short word,blaja betol2+jgn maen2 la kan....;)...n wat's unique at pasum,the FUN is there...although we're fighting for our each other battle..

tomorrow is our rehearsal day for our graduation day!
c u there,friends!~~

April 29, 2009

owh,we do lots of sin....

nie blog post bkan from's other's...kak long's fren..hehehe~
maybe boleh share=)

merupakan suatu bentuk pergaulan secara bebas yang melibatkan lelaki dan perempuan yang ajnabi. Ia merupakan suatu bentuk pergaulan yang ditegah oleh Islam. Sesungguhnya mengambil mudah persoalan ikhtilat boleh membuka ruang maksiat yang berleluasa dalam masyarakat tanpa kita sedari.

Tambahan kemajuan era teknologi sekarang, ikhtilat bukan sahaja melibatkan perjumpaan antara lelaki dan perempuan yang ajnabi malah dengan kemudahan yang ada seperti Yahoo Messenger, SMS, e-mail, dan Friendster. Jarak yang jauh didekatkan, masa yang berbeza tidak menjadi masalah begitu juga dengan kos perhubungan. Budaya ini terus menjadi darah daging masyarakat kita terutama remaja-remaja.

Kadang kala perhubungan dimulakan atas dasar kerja tetapi akhirnya melarat kepada perkongsian peribadi bukan perkongsian kepakaran. Maka tenggelamlah konsep 'kerja adalah kerja, peribadi adalah peribadi'. Kononnya hendak memahami dan mewujudkan keserasian dalam bekerja. Seolah-olah kita mencari keredhaan manusia dalam kemurkaan Allah.

Apabila wujud golongan yang menegah dan menunjukkan kaedah muamalat yang selari dengan syariat Islam maka timbullah konsep SYADID. Sememangnya Islam itu mudah dan tidak membebankan tapi tidak bermakna kita layak untuk mempermudah-mudahkan syariat Islam.

Adakah salah seorang nisa' dan rijal menjaga maruah dan pergaulannya. Bercakap, berurusan, berjumpa dan berbincang atas keperluan? Adakah salah bagi seorang nisa' terutamanya menegaskan suaranya dan menjaga pandangan demi menjaga maruah dirinya.
Dalam Al-Quran ada menyebut:

"Katakanlah kepada lelaki-lelaki dari orang-orang beriman supaya menahan pandangan mereka serta menjaga kehormatan mereka dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan dari orang-orang yang beriman supaya menahan penglihatan mereka serta menjaga kehormatan mereka." (An-Nur:31)

Apabila rijal dan nisa' berjumpa tidak kira atas apa jua keperluan dan keadaan perlulah berteman bertepatan dengan sabda Rasulullah SAW: "Tiada akan menyendiri seorang lelaki dan seorang perempuan itu melainkan syaitan akan menjadi orang yang ketiga."

Ada yang menimbulkan alasan malas menyusahkan rakan untuk menemankan kita. Malas nak tunggu rakan. Malas itu malas ini. Besar sangatkah malas kita berbanding arahan Allah dalam Al-Quran? Tegarkah kita melawan syariatNya.

Syariat Islam turut menyarankan kepada kita untuk menundukkan pandangan. Bukan sahaja haram melihat aurat bukan muhrim malahan bahagian-bahagian bukan aurat turut dilarang.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW: "Wahai Ali janganlah pandangan (yang kedua) menuruti pandangan (yang pertama) kerana sesungguhnya pandangan pertama itu adalah bagimu sedang yang kedua tidak (berdosa)."

Kalau dah bergaul dan bercampur bebas masakan kita mampu menahan dan menjaga pandangan. Usah menegakkan benang yang sememangnya basah. Ana bukanlah nak menghukum tanpa memberikan jalan penyelesaian. Jom kita berkongsi tip-tip berurusan dengan bukan muhrim:

1. Elakkan berhubungan dengan lelaki. Kalau ada peluang untuk minta bantuan dari nisa' (bagi nisa') dan rijal (bagi rijal), mintalah tolong mereka. Lainlah benda-benda di luar kudrat kita contohnya apabila nisa' minta bantuan rijal soal baiki latop, kereta dan perkara-perkara yang tak mampu dilakukan nisa'. Silalah mempergunakan kemahiran dan kepakaran yang ada. Begitu jugalah sebaliknya bagi rijal.

2. Andai terpaksa berhubung dengan bukan muhrim gunakanlah perantaraan berbentuk tulisan seperti sms, nota kecil dan sebagainya. Ringkaskan dan padatkan ayat-ayat. Tak perlulah meletakkan ikon senyum yang sememangnya comel. Tak perlu disertakan dengan gelak ketawa seperti huhu, haha, hihi, hikhik. Seolah –olah kanak-kanak tadika mengajar mengeja. Apatah lagi benda-benda lain yang kurang berfaedah.

Andai terdesak sangat untuk bercakap melalui telefon, jagalah suara anda terutama nisa' selari dengan tuntutan Al-Quran: "Wahai isteri2 nabi, kamu bukanlah seperti perempuan-perempuan lain jika kamu bertaqwa. Maka janganlah lemah lembutkan suara dalam berbicara, sehingga bangkit nafsu org yang ada penyakit dlm hatinya, tetapi ucapkanlah perkataan yg baik." Takkanlah nak tunggu Allah menempelak kita dengan balaNya?

3. Tundukkan hati. Sepatutnya apabila kita berurusan dengan bukan muhrim kita perlu risaukan kemurkaanNya. Banyak-banyaklah berdoa semoga urusan dipermudahkan dan bebas daripada fitnah. Minta dariNya supaya dipelihara daripada panahan syaitan.

4. Tundukkan pandangan. Jangan tertipu dgn matapelajaran kaedah berkomunikasi yang kita belajar "make eye contact with the person you're talking to". Melainkan dengan kaum sejenis. Teramatlah disarankan demi membina ukhwah yang kukuh. Berwaspada dengan konsep "dari mata turun ke hati". Tak bermakna tundukan pandangan sehingga jalan terlanggar tiang.

5. Mempercepatkan urusan. Apabila ada urusan, segerakanlah kerja. Tak perlulah sampai hendak berkongsi hal peribadi, luahan hati, gelak ketawa dan sebagainya yang tidak penting. Berbincanglah di tempat yang sesuai dan segerakan urusan. Jangan lupa peneman anda.

Teringat satu mail yang ana dapat mengenai luahan rijal. Jom kita kongsi bersama. Insya Allah ada manfaatnya.

"Lalu apa yang telah aku lakukan selama ini...Ya Rabb...tolong ampuni aku...untuk setiap pandangan yang tak terjaga, lisan yang merayu dan hati yang tak terhijab... Ya Rabb...Engkau mengawasi kami tiap detik, karena kasih sayangMu kepada kami Engkau perintahkan malaikat silih berganti menemani kami siang dan malam..."
Semoga ia menjadi peringatan bagi kita. Semoga kita dapat mewujudkan biah solehah dalam keredhaanNya. Peringatan untuk diri yang lemah dan banyak kesilapan serta kekurangan dan sahabat-sahabat Islam yang dikasihi"

"Elakkanlah berhubung tanpa urusan yang benar2 penting dengan wanita2 (berlawanan jantina) kerana di situlah letaknya jalan SYAITAN".

*byk dosa r sergho~~~
*changes gradually??...;)

8.55 a.m
atc,now..i'm quite frustated la..
no need to mention why..
can't blame any1 ok!
anggapla xder rezeki aku untuk itu=)
mudah citer=)
donT tell mum yet~~
hope she wonT feel the same way..
but, jgak rsa'y..
i'm the 1 who'll act that i dun rily want that kinda of things!
rezeki ade kat mane2=)

April 26, 2009

eXploRing thE 'junGLe'

in the kelapa sawit plantation!!
parents+tati+tayu+me went there on last friday to see wat's has goin on..after for years they're not visitin~...[they]..because i'm still not being bornt...still~
for the first tyme,i could see the buah kelapa's sounds lame..but..yup..i've neva see dat la..i just could watch it from the tv,newspaper,article..n at last,la...!kat my village pn ade jgak pokok kelapa sawit ni...hahahhahaa...u noela..if i have been given 5 months holiday,i'll never go elsewhere...duduk kat rumah jah..haha~....[sob3..sdey gop benna...]..;('s so sunyila kat sini...xder org pn..fears crept into me for a while..except for the jungle creatures;nyamuk2+pacat2+the others i dont know wat their name..hee~
the last 'drama' b4 we headed home..the pacat already prepared dah nak sucked my mum said pacat lam hutan tough sket...ha'ah..mmg pn..i could feel it when it started to suck mine..adoii~..
n tati sang an evergreen song,which was continued by my mum..pah2,balik!..

yesterday,we went for an outing wif lehan...he's better..i'm proud of him to be choosen as ketua zikir for his form...haha...i can't even expected he could do that..!..haha...
congrate to faiz[ih] for the oversea offer~jepun~he gonna registered tomorrow!..but he was undecided yet...pegila's golden chance..once in a lyfetyme okay!..
mine??...the result isn't out yet...maybe in the third week of may..maybe??..
lea,r u goin for this grad??...ur prs uniform..i'd not returned it yet..hahaha...balik awal sgt ari2...;)
i'm not goin for the perlis matriculation...;)
jihe,if u're dah give up lah..just tell me the answer,yup??...oyakla~...;P

*soooooo excited to find the pictures of gaasaku...;)..

April 21, 2009

award lagi ;)

[Make sure you take the pic and said it is from who]
ok..i already did it..n i was awarded from kak pqah!!
my ex-headgurl..
thanks kak pqah,yup!
for visitin here+awarding this blog;)

[You should tell 10 facts or hobbies about yourself]

i eat very slow!if i join a group whhich the group is supposed to eat..n we start at the same struck of the clock,u'll find the last person who finish is me...wua3..!maybe,after this i'll got an award for eating very slow??..wonder*..hahha!!..n it's not a weird view when u could see all the pekerja dining dah nak simpan sumer tray2 dah,but me tgh makan lagi!...i'm the 1 yg makan lambat ke??the others yg makan cepat??... ;p

i started to be the red-lover when i'm form four!..then,i see the colour really make my eyes attracted to=)....

i'm very high-disciplined in writing my diary!my friends surrendered when they could not get themselves faithful in writng them daily but mine,every corner was full!!..but,hello!i'm not a jiwang okkeyh!!..hehe~ade sape2 nak bantah ke,say dat i'm jiwang???...;p ...erm,dop sergho..heheh~~

i prefer to keep quiet when i'm angry,n i'll answer the people question very shortly..n admitting that i am angry that moment?? no..neva..i get cold quick,but i realized that i'm hard to forget what that sum1 did to me..except,that sum1 changes=)n..i'm easily hurt..wahaha..certain2 la kowt...;)

i didn't really lyke to drinks air batu!!!!...i'll face problems if i drink it..yup!..sounds weird,eh??..dulu,lepas abeskan segelas ke dua gelas ice drinks kan,i got sakit tekak n demam ..or demam terus..n i'll directly knoe sbb me minum air tue..p,kalau nak minum jgak,i have to note the senggang masa between minum tue..xboleh direct... ;p

i think too much what others said..aduss..ok2,i'm trying okay not to=)..
n rasanya..quite ok la skarang ni..hope,lepas ni..i wonT anymore...

i lyke to keep sumtin that make me remember bout sumtin..^^..paham ke??..for example,on the KOT nite last year,that was for the first tyme razak got third=),razakian[stgh2 je ni]..we went to the khemah n were chit-chatting,kan..mimi!..igt x??..n my fingers terbuang kulit almari ape ntah kat padang tue..n i kept it sampai arini..haha! has personal value,tau dop~
da rumput when sumy n i had a personal talk~
da ribbon dat he threw up to me on the nite of principal's retirement~n others..

i'm confuse to choose whether i want to be a dentist or a doctor ek??
dentist kowt=)

ainin is 70% penakut n 30% berani...;p

when i listen to songs,i do note its lyrics=)

..i do remember wat others advices me..oups,terlebey suda;p

||You should choose 5 other bloggers
(easier the ones who follow you),
mention their names in your blog||

farah ada..
sape2 deh..amek la=)

once again.tenkiu kak pqah^^

April 19, 2009



they're all mixed..;(
i kept thinking bout others..i should,but if it blocked me,should i??..xyahla kot..ngee~
[kalau xpaham,jgn pahamkan,ok;p]..hee~

i'm sorry people if i can't stop myself from answering the questions..which they're not really questions~they're arahan!..ntahla..
i should not hope that all human should be like i want..ade ke cam2??haha!
kite jgn harapkan org laen bersyukur,p kite dulu~

i felt that i'm waiting for sumtin..but seriously,i don't know,what's that??
the date of the registration??
the second week of may??
i can't wait of the start of our new lesson,but i realized,the [precious] holiday would end soon n i should appreciate every little moments wif my family~
i really meant it~precious=)
all this while, when the nite comes, i can sleep beside my sisters..certainly,without fears! eventhough the lite is OFF!haha..kat scul,bilik prefex mesti xtutup lampu sbb me la!!
i refused to!..hahhaaa!!!
n all the activities~i do wat i want to do..

then,about my scul's graduation,comfirm ke end of april??
unbelievable je ;p

lagi...i'm sorry la people...i do remember to all of you...but macam kak eno..kak eno!kite sama la..=)..i din really like SMSing..the keypad of my hp are too hard la..hehe~
jadi alasan pulak..
n the 'people' yg berkaitan?...i noe,they're not reading here..hehe~

rasa macam..
i'm free from anitim..but i don't~
n i knoe,i don't..
i'm juz,okay je, seemed cpat moody la~

~rasa relieved jgak blei xprez kat sini...=) ~
sekali skala,story2 kat sini best jgak..ngeh3...=D

notes=yeay2!!!kuyah is having her upax number!!hepi2=)
=the another award,next post,yup~

gud n8=)


kak piqah gave me!! lol~comel2 sgt la,kak pqah..;)
do i deserve it??..hee~

Terms and conditions to accept this award:

~Make sure you are a FEMALE~

~List 7 reasons why do you feel lucky to be a girl~
*if i'm a boy,my name won't be [ainin sofia]..;)..n my frens won't call me ainin~..ehem,i lyke they call me ainin than others=)..dunno why..hihi..but how about.. [nyn]??..i love it!
*i can be the youngest daughter in my family!..n noe wat,it meants sumtin..;p..olwez have a chance to sleep in the middle between my sisters..ngeh3..cookin??..i could learnt it from my sisters,not showin them..if i'm a boy?? no..xleh wat gini..sbb there's paleh n lehan that's younger than me..;p
*i can try all the make-up+eye shadows+all+all and ALL!!hehe;p
*the boys' fashion is limited..but gurls??..nope!..[i say it lyke i like to berfesyen2 neh..ehem~dop pom...~
*i can 'travel' both of the hostels kat skolah faris dulu..ngeh3..the boys hostel n gurls hostel..kalau boy,xde chance sgt nak masuk hostel gurls..i did it tyme urusan prefex ;/
*i do not have to be the leader in my own family soon..u noela,i din really lyke bein a leader~..[ehhem!in certain2 cases,ok;)..]
*erm..muslimah ni,mdah masuk syurga tapi mudah jugak masuk,xtaw nak rasa lucky x dr perspektif ni..takut*

~pass this award to your girlfriends~
=kak sara=)
kak zahra..i knoe she's busy;)..neva mind
=yana=she stopped blogging ke??..*sdey*

take ur award home!!

n another award??in the next post,ya!!
nway,faryzal,hepi bday yup=)
~frens 4 eva~

n..burn came here this evening..
thanks 4 comin,ok^^

April 16, 2009

award! from kak sara=)

kak sara..thanks,yup!
u're the best follower i'd ever had=)
onestly,it's nice to knoe u~
study molep2 kat umah,ok...
once again,tenkiu^^

April 15, 2009

failure made it sweeter

da dapat P..
it's embarassing atceli,sbb owunk laen da dapat lama dah,kte baru nak dpat..wahaha..
so,4 da second trial,i had done with it=)
wah,xyah dah pegi kotaraya..
i think,if i passed 4 da first trial,i wont this happy..*smile*
all things happens cause of their owns reasons,kan..
aduii..bulan 12 agi dop ulang alik..
it's a my first school that i gonna say..i din very lyke it..wa~sorry3..hehe..
but still,it taught me many things..
started from da motorcyle+car stuff,
i got others too...the people=)
eyy,i meant..byk sgtla jnis owunk jumpe ramai owunk tiap2 hari..
the xperience+noeledge added wif the frens added..
thanks people~
n thanks 4 da [good luck] in the morning..;p
i planned dat i'm not goin to tell any1 dat da test arini..6t xpass pulak..
heheh~'s need to think bout it anymore^^
i decide to drop it anyway..;P

April 12, 2009

beginning vs ending

[i hope it ended nicer~]

when u're singing dgn smerdu2'y in the beginning,n got many praises~
but ends with a sumbang voice la pulak,
then the people'll nva listen to ur song,rite?

when u're writin an essay wif the beginning yg best gler ah...;)
but ends wif the endin yg ntah pape,
then the teacher who want to marks A+ will cancel her niat jgak,ryte?

when u get to know frens n she is so baek in the beginning,
but she turns to the opposite of her in the end,
then u'll remember the bad of her,kan??rather than her beginning~

when u're in holiday,the holiday tue mmg best sgtla...
but tbe mse nak balik,kne la rompak ng thieves ke...
then,it turned to be a 'memorable' holiday,kan??
holiday yg xkan dilupakan sampai bile2..sbb it's lyke no other holiday..


why it happened on the day which i love more than i love mine~
but i'm sure HE do have HIS own reasons
the sadness,i can say that it had melt under the strong heat of the tyme~;)
i do seek apologise bcause it happened on ur day~
the endin of the day wasn't so nice..
it affected me more than u,i bet..
juz note that i'm already ok=)
maybe u won't thinkin it deep~[xse pk n xnak cargho??] too~
juz think bout ur exam soon~
it's more important~
keep on studying,ok~

~ainin sofia,cHeerS...=D ~

April 10, 2009

sweet 18th dear~

dear the everdearest~

Allah selamatkan kamu..
Allah selamatkan kamu..
Allah selamatkan,erm?...;P
Allah selamatkan kamu...=)

happy birthday to u..
happy birthday to u...
happy birthday to the everdearest..
happy birthday to u...=)

sweeth 18th^^
semoga panjg umo,murah rezeki...
hopin dat u get wat u're dreamin 4~
blaja btol3 ok..jgn malas2...;p
lagi??...err...i lost my words la...dunno why..

notes="10 apr bday sape ek??"...nak gune agi ke ayat ni??..;p
=comes here la,get ur present here...hoho~

*talian telekom+maxis+celcom telah mengesahkan bahawa dalam masa seminggu ni...line mmg bz sgtla....ape sbb xtaw..*...
ehem.nota ini adalah untuk dat buffday person itu...kamukah itu??...;P

April 9, 2009

alfurqan-ayat 74=)

last nite ikot my mum g skol lame...there's a motivation 4 da bdak2 darjah 6..well,lame da x p attend such event...da last,i think,mser abg Raja dtg tyme lpas K.O.T..
xrugi pegi=)
touch'y tgk bdk2 laki pi cium n hugged their mum...hope diorang sume berjaya+jd anak2 soleh n solehah sumernye...
ha!,,,nak share sumtin ni...motivator tue pesan..
amalkan ayat 74 surah al-furqan..
agar dapat pasangan n anak2 yg jadi penyejuk mata n hati...
sape xnak,kan??
slamt beramal,k..

April 3, 2009

my interview was over^^

venue:politeknik kb,kok lanas
tyme:morning..[xigtla masuk bilik kol bape...;p]
panel:2's over...even nak maen2 pom,butterflies in my tummy were still there lah=)but b4 steppin into the room...overall?it's best n mmg enjoy lah=)
dapat jumpe mejja+zaid+che mud+faiz+afiq mas+frens+frens+frens
well,i got to know people more....
bole la i had a talk,an enjoyable talk wif them...best2 bual ng least, i have sumtin to do,selain dop kat rumah ni^^
the experience,i won't tell detail but i will anyway...
*it's unbelievable~it's not just me yg maen2...=che mud ng zaid pn...erm...*wonder*
che mud xsom r maen2....;p haha....
my name list is 22
tp,dye xikot list rupe2'y....suzy kata dye ikot buffday...(~^)...*weird*...lucky la...siap awal...;)
then,i got my feveret number^^...~4=)
the interview started....n noe wat?...interviewers tue mmg baek shootin2 pn...ade,but i feel it's not shoot,it's normal interview^^
5 students,all dental course=)best r jumpe gu=)..hik3..
so,introduce ourselves...then discuss topic...
=who're ur idol~
=why dentistry,why not medic?is it sbb u igt dental less hardship??
=tooth common problem n how to prevent them among kids
=any questions??
n all were smoothsailing...i enjoyed it~
i manage to be the 1st jawab soalan+the interviewers igt my name^^
n a boy next to me...thumbs up to him...i think he'll get this..wat's intersting~i'm happy to have others sharing my feveret^^
n short word,i get wat i want~the experience^^
n all that i did b4 the interviu,they're deserved;)

*malas r nak pk test jpj ni.....;p

April 2, 2009

it's all gone~

maybe just 4 a while ni~
nak tido....;)
tomorrow interviu...hoho...dunno wat's to feel...others are having butterflies in their tummies kot~
yup...coz they're hopin 4 it...
me?...i'm hopin 4 da experience=)
i'm desperate 4 da asasi offer^^...*i'm pleased to study local*

pah2,ape yg [it's all gone nye??]
feel lyke cryin ah...
i'm tryin to change my layout...pah2,igtkan jaddila kan...
so,xpelah kalau ilam all the widget2 yg mmg byk+bloglist yg panjg+all my frens' link[new+old]
ohoho~bsar pengorbanan neh...;p
pas2...dgn berdebba2 neh...preview...
ntah...technical error kot...atc,da jadi benna...but xjaddi...[camaner tus?]..haha!
so,xpelah..stil brsyukur sbb still bole blik yg dulu sbb backup~
tp,mmg work hard cari balik all the urls sume~
but gamba it's all gone lah~
pendrive pn xjumpe dop katne xtaw...

k...pray 4 ma interviu,ya=)
can't wait to wear kasut baru...ngeeee~~~
hope dpt soalan sng2...ameen^^

March 25, 2009

meEtinG or.......what?;)

22 march 09
6.59 pm..[maybe?..;p]
sweetbeach resort to go!!!=)
can't wait to c them^^
~in a car wif kuyah's mom+kuyah+pah^^..~
boys were happier sbb diorang earlier..but they're tetunggu gurlz jgak..
yea x?yea x?yea x?
haha...yela sbb da food kan was here~

ala....bestnye if we could have a nite here...=(
it's far different ng dorm yg kite duduk dlu,kan??

yah,qusyuk benna tgk camera pah;)
~waitin 4 da isyak prayer~

time to step out n to the beach!!^^
biler agie nak suh boyz bakar ayam for kitte..;p

sory n thanks ya,set2 ni...sampai2 da siap pom ayam2 yg hangit letom doh..haha..
seemed cam malu.malu.malu kucink jah set2 ni..kekok sket..ehem.not me...;p
yela...quite a long time jgakla x sumbat2..hoho..
ehem2,jom makan=)

ca+pok yah[da 23's buffday boy]


a doctor to be=)

time flies~..
dah nak balik la...
skejap jer pegi..
but,it's worth off anyway=)
xpela...dapat pegi pn da enuf..~

luq drived=)
or specifically,learn how to drive..haha..
bye2 set2 ni~

the monday's mornim^^
kuyah was heading to hospital for her kursus pendedahan kerjaya seorang doktor..
so, is it??..tell me,ya..=)
thanks 4 da nite~
4 da room+baju+kain sarom+selimut+bantal+sumer2..
it's nice nite in ur room..hoho...xsgka leh tidow c2..^^

ca,tq 4 da ngejah2..
op,xabes2 nak cmmnt blog ak..bace jgak...
xpow la..pahni,da xjmpa daa ak..i bet u must miss me...;p,u can read my blog la...haha..
just admit la..u're my peminat setia blog nie..wek2..
hahaha...ngaku jela~
nway,gd luck 4 ur interviu jgak eyh..dis 27,rite?..bole r tue story2 katku^^
4 my preparation..

  • test jpj...ehem2...hahha...GOnna have my P soon...nex week?..[xlulus lor makna dye..]..haha..sape suh nak cpat siap sgt?? better ur parking next tyme,kayh?..=)
  • my interviu?...3 apr o9...erm...da preparation is on process~..[da prepare kow...;p]

March 13, 2009

segala puji bagimu,ya Allah..

throughout this week,i felt sumtin in my heart...sumtin hard sgt...why don't just thursday come quick??...cpatla...dah seksa sgt tggu ni...i could say that no one understands's i felt...i didn't know who's to turn to...who's to tell bout me~n yup..the feeling was unxplained by words..the 1 who's experienced this,knew it=)..n for the first time...fright+fear conquered me...i'm sory people,i'm lying kalau org tya,"takut x?"..rsa cam weird je if the answer was "xtakut pn..."..haha...sounds cam proud,my answer pn jadi "takut jugakla..."...even x pn sebna'y..i feel notim jer~however,this week really tortured made me to takut sgt ke tahap maxS...i got stomachache[4 bein nervous]..several times in a day..i got pictures wif my slip in ma hands that written all sorts of results for me~i got tired...i got really takut..n to calm down's just wif the creator,maha pembuat keputusan,maha adil, yg fate already written da pn by HIM...n my duty on that time was just to accept the fate,prepared mentally+physically 4 ketenangan n kekuatan wif everitim that were..if i fail,fail xdpat 10a,ainin,u need to redha...tue rezeki which Allah had decided 4 me...u have to bersyukur greatly...sape2 yg bersyukur,HE gives more..u did less from others ke..mum said..kite ni hmba dye...xde sape2 pn kite..jgnla pk ak kna dpt gini2..result len xbole dapat..eyy,sape kite nak decide cam2???..then 1 of my frens kata...kalau xbole a satu,so wat?lau xbole a dua,so wat?..lau xbole a for 3 subjects,so wat?..whooa...kinda best thinkin cam2..bagus betol kalau dapat pk cam2...HE almighty know everitim...we do sins wif the added of the,maybe because of the sinS yg buat dapat cam2..

on monday,tuesday n wednesday,i was terribly+extremely takut..the food xnak masuk perut pom...[till i got gastric on results' day...]...aduyai..i think i can't bear the sadness kalau xbole result comey..feel like schooldays for 5 years xguna pn...result seblom ni,worthless jer..all my hard work+sacrifices were notim~one more tim,malu+frust n others la..pity on my parents+siblings+teachers+frens+seniors yg always ready tolong...yg olwez banyak gler help me when i'm schooling...i canT say that i'd probs,as they would come straight away..."xnak ya serabut wif problems...nak study beres je"...n i know all parents pn camnie..we're appreciated,kan?..smpai hati ke kite...they would do everitim for us...just for the excellence...but kite,xkan xleh nak sacrifices sket 4 sumtin that they could i do this kalau xbole result comey...i'm sorry sgt2...rasa bersalah sgt..howver i think,msti my parents yg would console me kalau dapat result teruk...they won't show theirs..certainly la kan...all the oceans of books[u should see my books when i was in form five,okay...]..+all the handouts+kije2 skul..seemed worthless..

be4 i stepped out from the car,yup...i accept both...i redha n bole time kalau dapat teruk pn...honestly!'s Allah's decision...n He know better that the results should always suit us,suits our hard works be4...n believe me,u'll owez tenang kalau pk cam2...i was contented wif what i'd done...but after that,my hands xbole lari from jadi,not macam ice la...haha..seeing frens pn akan releasedkan tension nak tau result tu...=)...

so,the gathering started,the desk wif our slips da already dop dpan pn...then,cikgu jizah gave the taklimat bout our graduation nanti 30 april soon..n lastly,..."okay,...sorang2...datang depan..."....n silence filled the atmosphere...eyy,sape yg berani?????...n salute la temad,he's the 1 yg bangun n pegi kat meja untuk klas dye,followed by others,n pokka n syeme for my hand was in kuyah's...wahaha...gurls xde org pn nak bgn.."nyn,jom g..."..kuyah said when she saw the boys were already berkerumun pn around the desk for 5alpha...n we're there..n i'm in front of her..YA ALLAH..ak menerima segala takdirMu ya Allah...n i was!..n i made a step eyes da macam helang daa...sbb kene intai..haha..n i saw...[since my name is Ainin sofia,001 lagi no. angka of course,my slip was above others]..

sijil pelajaran malaysia 2008
ainin sofia bnti mohamad napi..
my eyes catchim da numbers..
bm 1a
bi 1a
pai 1a
sej 1a
math 1a
addmath 1a
phy 1a
chemistry 1a
bio 1a
est 1a

~1119 cambridge 1a~

n the 1st person who knew?..kuyah!!!...i hugged her wif segala kesyukuran kepadaMu,ya Allah..this success isn't mine..i know it's from HIM...if He didn't want me to obtain this,HE will do it anyway....n my abah said?'s ujian....i'm not extremely happy...but i'm happy...happy to cheer my parents...happy that my hard works+sacrifices+others were teachers,especially teacher sue, i didn't know how to thanks them...semoga mereka mendapat secukup2+selebih2 balasan...happy that ALLAH heard my doa+my each words...believe me...kalau nak pape,cakapla ng DIA...segala ape yg engkau hajatkan,just tell HIM..DIA xkan kecwakan sesape,but the most important things,that i want to stressed here,bersangka baiklah dgn DIA...sbb indeed,HE said"AKU menurut sangkaan hambaku"...n Yakinlah dengan janji DIA...sape2 yg berusaha,dia dapat hasilnya..

to all my frens,kuyah,ja,syeme,gobox,ade,cimut,luq,cerah,cerah jepom,ca,amie,zaid, n others...congrats evryone...but to my dear frens yg didnt make it...this isn't the end..all of u ade rezeki kat laen..yg maybe lagi greater..deem HIM..i know,u oll were doing the best in it..but the rezeki...Allah yg tentukan...just remmber all things happen have their own reasons..i know that i won't heal ur hurt but i do emphatise..i know all of u were preparing tooth n nail for it...ok,i'm sorry,sorry,sorry, time is there for us~..struggle toward it...dont make this as ur plemah semangat,instead sbagai pembakar semgt yg lebih lagi...x impossible kalau pahni dapat 4flat ke..ya Allah,tenangkan rakan-rakanku,ya Allah..

~segala puji bagimu,ya Allah~

notes=this post is tremendously,specially 4,i would read it+indulge maself in it again n again in the future..

March 8, 2009

..::i loVe deNtistrY moRe thaN eVer::..

~in the cloud nine~
~happy as a lark~

wahaha..beyond wordsla last's my miracle to talk wif a dentist=)
for the 1st time...i was so confused+berbelah bagi,
in choosing either dental or tesl..

tesl is my mum's choice
n dentistry is mine=)
n here,i want to thanks kak sara 4 her advice^^..extremely suprised+excited to have her commnt=)
n thousands+millions+trillions of thanks n appreciation to my dear abg ayol's soulmate..;p
as it's because of her..i'd got a golden chance to talk wif kak nik=)

kak nik is that dentist;)..
n i got many things that i'd treasured 4 these time..

she said:
DENTIST BEST!!=)..*smile ear to ear*
jarum dentist ngan doctor laen..heee~
dun worry,6t blaja,msti bese ng jarum..;p..[i'm the 1 yg tya dye sal jarum]..haha!
kalau blaja kat usm,1st 3 year,kna blajar sma ng doctor+dental,so mmg letihla..but after that,rasa relieved sgt~
hafal2?..bese r..nma lagi side2 medic..but rlax2 je..kak nik bole je=)

doctor vs dentist
dr blaja seluruh badan,dentist blaja pggg hgga muka je=)
on call 4 dentist sket jer
job dentist lagi best than dr..ngee~
blaja dental lagi penat from doctor lau kat usm,job dye best lagi..^^

n morE~..
tenkiu banyak2+sgt2..n i think i already have my own decision~
when i say i have my decision,i HAVE my decision=)
may my decision be under HIS blessing~


Hi5 Emoticon

~tenkiu sume~

March 7, 2009

mum unhappy+happy because it's earlier~

hoho..the new set of chair arrived earlier than promised=)..
n excitement was in me much than my mum..sbb
it's unxpected yg lawanya!!^^
sbb dulu,i'm prefer a set of sofa,tp,my mum beli yg wooden punye,
so, i thought all the buruk2+unattractive+sume2 yg xlawa..
n yup!..i was proven wrong!
the fresh smell of the wooden+leather,
i cud catch it from afar^^
hey,i got my new spot to taking my nap ;p
seemed hard rite sbb kusi tue kayu,but bler duduk,xrasa pon=)
wahaha..welcome2 people..meh r jalan ghummoh=)

n my mum happy because it's earlier^^

these are lehan's..
he got them from his school when angkasawan dr.faiz datang kat scul dye..
la..igtkan syed muzaffar~

n know wat?i got my lesson last thursday,
if we're out,bawak kamera,ainin,bawak kamera!
aduyai...rugi btol xbawak kamera msa pegi kat scul lehan tue..
igtkan pameran sains ape,igtkan yg biase2 je..
hey!it wasn't..!

it's actually sambutan keputeraan duli raja perempuan kelantan!!
n we'd a chance to see her from near=)
lots of performation
pameran kereta antik,

n unexpected!
bler boleh jumper my farisian juniors~
it's all 40
kat sic^^
boleh tahan jgak sic nie ye=)

so,laen kali bawak kamera,ok!..=(


n why my mum unhappy?
because my result is earlier,not 16 march..
thus,she can't join me..
it's okay,mum^^